Web Hosting

Web hosting articles

Outdated/Missing MySQL Extension for WordPress

If, when accessing WordPress, you see an error message similar to the following:   Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.   Or in site health, you see the following:   utf8mb4 requires a new...

How do I load Laravel from the /public directory using .htaccess?

In this article, you will learn how to make your Laravel public folder open directly when you type your domain. If you have installed Laravel on your primary domain for the account in your public_html folder (root directory for the primary domain)...

How much bandwidth is included with my hosting account?

Here at Brixly, we do not limit bandwidth for any websites on our shared or reseller platforms! We monitor bandwidth usage to prevent abuse; however, we do not suspend or de-activate accounts based on high bandwidth usage.  We do, however, limit a...

How much email storage space is permitted on the shared or reseller plans?

We don't impose any 'hard limits' on the storage of mailboxes; however, we do have 'fair usage policies' in place to prevent abuse. As such, you must review the terms outlined in our fair usage policies.  We use ultra-fast NVMe storage on our serv...

Can I run Magento on shared / reseller hosting?

Whilst it's technically possible to install and run Magento on a shared hosting environment (such as our Infinity or Reseller plans), it certainly isn't recommended.  Magento is particularly 'resource heavy' and has an incredibly large requirement...

How do I enable Cloudflare for my websites?

Step 1: Sign up for a Cloudflare Account Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the Cloudflare website (https://www.cloudflare.com). Click on the "Sign Up" button to create a new account. Follow the registration process, providing the req...

Magento showing incorrect memory limit

A client reported issues with a 'readiness check' whereby the interface reported the incorrect memory_limit. The phpinfo(); output shows whats set in the .user.ini, such as... memory_limit 1024M However, the readiness check was reporting the follo...

How do I update the SOA record of the DNS zones under my reseller account?

The SOA record (or the 'start of authority' record) stores information about a domain names administrative contact. The SOA record also contains some additional information, such as the duration of time that the server should wait before domain re...

How to generate a full cPanel backup of your account

This guide will walk you through the process of generating a comprehensive backup of your website using cPanel on Brixly. Note: We take automated backups of all accounts either daily, or hourly (depending on the selected plan). These backups can b...

How to setup a NodeJS application on cPanel

Node.js is a popular open-source runtime environment that allows you to create server-side applications. It is based on the V8 JavaScript engine and uses asynchronous I/O to handle requests efficiently. cPanel is a popular web hosting control pane...

How to Improve a Slow WordPress or WooCommerce Dashboard

If you're experiencing a sluggish WooCommerce admin panel, it's time to take action. A slow admin panel can be a major hindrance to your productivity and overall user experience. This guide will provide you with a range of strategies to speed up y...

Deceptive Site Ahead - How to Request Google to Review a Compromised Site

If Google suspects your website contains malware or misleading content, or is being used for phishing attacks, it may blacklist your site. Visitors to your site will then see a 'Deceptive Site Ahead' warning, indicating that the site they are abou...

How to Import a Large Database into MySQL

When dealing with large databases, the standard phpMyAdmin tool in cPanel might not be the most reliable option for uploading. In such cases, it's more efficient to import the database manually using an SSH (Secure Shell) session. This guide will ...

How to Optimize Your WordPress Database

As your WordPress site grows, your database also expands. This growth includes previous versions of posts and pages, user accounts, and other 'transient' data. Over time, this extra data can slow down your site. Regularly cleaning your database ca...

How to use SVGs in WordPress

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based vector image format that offers several benefits over traditional graphics formats like JPG or PNG. SVGs are scalable, meaning they can be resized without loss in quality or pixelation. Additionally, ...

Steps to Cleaning Malware from Your Website

Malware infections can be complex and challenging to resolve. In some cases, it may be best to seek advice from a developer to resolve the issue and prevent future occurrences. This guide will walk you through the basic steps to clean malware from...

How to Direct a Domain to an External Web Service

When you need to use an external web service provider such as Weebly, Moonfruit, WIX, SquareSpace, or others, you'll need to configure your domain to point to that service. This guide will walk you through the process while ensuring that your emai...

Using GIT via SSH

To utilise GIT, you need to access it via the full path when logged in through SSH. /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git

Using FileZilla to Upload Files via SFTP(SSH) or FTPS(SSL/TLS)

FileZilla is a popular open-source File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client that you can use to upload or download files from your web hosting server. This guide will show you how to set up FileZilla for SFTP (SSH connections) and FTPS (Explicit SSL/TL...

Where Should I Upload My Website Files?

Understanding where to upload your website files is crucial for your website to function correctly. This guide will help you understand where to place your files in cPanel. The Short Answer The short answer to this question is the public_html/ dir...

What File and Directory Permissions Should I Use for My Web Files?

Understanding the correct permissions for your hosting files and directories is crucial for the security and functionality of your website. This guide will help you set the right permissions for your files and directories in cPanel. Files Files sh...

How to Create and Manage MySQL Databases in cPanel

MySQL databases are essential for many web applications, including content management systems and ecommerce platforms. Here's how you can create and manage MySQL databases in cPanel:   Step 1: Log in to cPanel First, log in to your cPanel account....

How to Manage Files in cPanel

Managing your website's files is a crucial part of maintaining your online presence. cPanel's File Manager provides an easy-to-use interface that allows you to handle these tasks directly from your web browser. Here's a step-by-step guide on how t...

How to Create Email Accounts in cPanel

Creating an email account through cPanel is a straightforward process. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a new email account.   Step 1: Log in to cPanel First, you'll need to log in to your cPanel account. This is typically done...

How do I block particular countries from visiting my websites?

This quick and easy tutorial will show you how to control site access based on visitors’ location. With some tweaks to the .htacess file, allowing or blocking visitors from certain countries is possible. There are a number of useful tools availabl...

WordPress - My site is showing a maintenance page. How do I disable it?

As part of its automatic update system, WordPress has a built-in maintenance mode that it activates whenever you update your software, themes, or plugins from the WordPress dashboard. You can see a message addressing this in the WordPress update i...

How do I stop / suppress cron emails from being sent or logged?

You can easily suppress the output of any cronjob by redirecting output to /dev/null. You can do this by appending >/dev/null 2>&1 to cronjob, for which you want to suppress output. 0 2 * * * /home/backup.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 The >/dev/null tells th...

Litespeed Cache - Presets for WordPress

Introducing LSCache Presets for WordPress: the easiest way to optimize your WordPress site using the Litespeed Cache plugin. Litespeed Cache Presets are a pre-tuned set of options, which can be used for optimizing any WordPress site using Litespee...

WordPress Multisite Subdomains

When using WordPress Multisites with Subdomains, you need to ensure the subdomain is added to cPanel/DirectAdmin to be used. cPanel You can do this on cPanel via: cPanel -> Domains -> Create a new domain  Here you will enter the name for the subdo...

Dedicated IP Address - How to purchase and manage your dedicated IP's

Limitations and Important Considerations Please note that Dedicated IP addresses are exclusively available to clients hosted on our UK infrastructure.  Dedicated IP addresses are only available to cPanel hosting services (Shared, Premium or Resell...

How do I install and enable Litespeed Cache?

LSCWP essentially has two purposes: a full-page cache for your site’s dynamically-generated pages and a site-optimization plugin. Most people who install LSCache do so for the caching functions, and the rest is just the icing on the cake. Please ...

How to view enable and view errors on a WordPress installation (WP_DEBUG)

When adding custom code such as PHP or JavaScript, there are times when you may need to find any possible errors in your code. When enabled, WordPress debug will log any errors detected on your site. This can be key to finding the source of an iss...

How to Migrate a WordPress Website using Installatron

Installatron is able to import local (same server and hosting package) or remote (different server or hosting package) application installations. For the purposes of this article, we will walk through importing both a local and remote WordPress si...

How do I find my error_log file to find errors for my PHP application?

The error_log files are generated within the 'path' of where the actual error is produced.  If we use WordPress as an example, and your homepage (or any other 'page' of the site), the error_log would be created in the domains public_html.  For exa...

How do I enable error logging in my PHP script?

Introduction You may need to troubleshoot a site's PHP script--for example, if the site appears as a blank page. A helpful way to troubleshoot these scripts is to enable error-logging in the script. Procedure Some PHP scripts that are part of an a...

How do I install a wildcard SSL Certificate via LetsEncrypt?

Our automatic SSL installation process (powered by AutoSSL) will automatically install Sectigo SSL certificates. Sectigo SSL certificates offer optimal coverage, completely automatically and free of charge. In addition, they also do not 'rate limi...

JetBackup - How to create 'Snapshot Backups'

Backups are taken of all accounts on our shared and reseller services daily. However, we do understand there are certain scenarios where you may wish to take a backup prior to making significant changes. In those cases, we would always recommend u...

What are 'mixed content' errors and how do I resolve them?

What are 'Mixed Content' Errors? 'Mixed Content' errors occur when a secure HTTPS webpage is trying to load resources, such as images, videos, stylesheets or scripts, over an insecure HTTP connection. This can pose a security risk as the insecure ...

How to change your PHP Version and PHP Settings

At Brixly, we strive to provide you with the flexibility and control you need to optimize your website's performance. One way we do this is by allowing you to change your PHP version and settings directly from your cPanel account. This guide will ...

Understanding and Resolving the 503 Error: Resource Limit Reached

A 503 error is a server-side response code that indicates the server is temporarily unable to handle the request. This can occur for a variety of reasons, but in the context of a web hosting environment, it often suggests that the account is hitti...

PHP 500 Errors and How to Resolve Them

PHP 500 errors, also known as "Internal Server Errors," can be a common occurrence when working with web applications. These errors are typically not server-related issues but are usually caused by issues within the code of the application. This g...

How can I parse .html or .htm files as .php?

If using CloudLinux lsapi /LiteSpeed API, use the following: AddHandler application/x-httpd-lsphp .htm .html .shtml For other PHP Handlers, you can use try the following… Create a .htaccess file and upload it to the root of your public_html direct...

How to create a WordPress Staging Site with Softaculous

Staging environments are crucial for website development and maintenance. They provide a safe space where you can test changes and updates without affecting your live website. This guide will walk you through how to create and manage a WordPress s...

Migrating a WordPress Site from Another Host Using Softaculous Remote Import

Migrating a WordPress site from a remote server to your Brixly hosting account can be a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with the process. However, with Softaculous, a powerful tool available in your cPanel, this process can be sim...

How to Configure WordPress to use SMTP for Sending Emails

Sending emails from WordPress is a crucial function that powers everything from admin notifications to password resets. By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function to send emails. However, this method is not always reliable and can result in ...

Forcing HTTPS:// Redirection for Your Website

There are several methods to force HTTPS:// on your website, depending on your setup and preferences. Here are three commonly used approaches: Using a WordPress Plugin (Really Simple SSL): In your WordPress Dashboard, go to the Plugins section. Cl...

Diagnosing a slow website using PHP X-Ray to find bottlenecks

When a website or application feels like its 'slow performing', the common assumption is that its a 'server issue', whereas in many cases the bottleneck in terms of performance can be within the application / script itself.  When a website does sl...

I have received an email about LVE / Resource Usage

CloudLinux improves the stability of a server by limiting each client in an isolated, secure environment called a Lightweight Virtual Environment (LVE), a kernel technology developed by CloudLinux. In shared hosting, the most common reason for dow...

JetBackup - How to restore your account files or databases

JetBackup5 is our powerful backup and restore tool. It allows us to take daily incremental backups of all sites stored on our servers and provides a simple and intuitive interface to restore your account data.  Let's fire up the JetBackup 5 module...

How to force www or non-www via your .htaccess file

Many customers request to force their site's www or non-www version to display in their visitor’s browser. For example, you can have www.example.com or example.com displayed in an address bar. While this difference won’t affect how visitors find y...

Speeding Up DNS Lookups Using Cloudflare or Google Public DNS Resolvers

DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that translates domain names, which are easy for humans to understand, into IP addresses, which are used by machines. When you use a DNS resolver like Cloudflare or Google Public DNS, you're changing your DNS "...

Policy on NextCloud Usage on Brixly Shared/Reseller Platforms

Overview At Brixly, we are committed to providing high-quality, reliable hosting services to all our customers. To ensure the best performance and stability of our shared and reseller hosting platforms, we have certain policies in place regarding ...

JetBackup - JetBackup UI Showing 500 Error

If you are trying to restore an account using JetBackup and encounter a 500 / Fatal error within the JetBackup interface, don't panic. This issue is commonly encountered during the restoration process and is typically temporary. Why does this happ...

Understanding Our Internal Auditing and Cleanup Process

In the realm of web hosting, maintaining server efficiency and security is paramount. As part of our commitment to providing top-notch services, we implement an internal auditing and cleanup process to manage disk space and ensure the smooth opera...

Resolving 'npm: command not found'

Find out how to run npm commands, such as 'npm install' correctly.

How many sites can I add to an individual cPanel account?

The number of sites you can add to an individual cPanel account is in most cases not limited by us, which means you have the freedom to host as many websites as you desire under a single cPanel account. However, it's important to consider the reso...

Understanding PHP Memory Limits in Shared Hosting Environments

Introduction: In shared hosting environments, such as those provided by Brixly, the 'Select PHP Version' screen often displays a default PHP memory_limit value that is lower than the maximum available. This article explains the rationale behind se...

cpGuard - Understanding the Captcha Verification Screen

Introduction:  At Brixly, we prioritize the security of your websites. As part of our shared hosting environment, we have implemented cpGuard's Captcha verification feature to protect against automated threats and bot attacks. This article will ex...

How to Disable ModSecurity on cPanel

If you are finding that you're being stopped by ModSecurity on domains, the following guide will help you remove ModSecurity on the Domain. Firstly, Log into cPanel and search for 'ModSecurity' at the top in the search bar. From here, you'll see a...

Enable directory index listings using .htaccess

You can configure the webserver to display file listings for directories that do not have a directory index page. By default on brixly servers, when visitors go to a URL that requests a directory, such as  http://example.net/gallery , the web serv...

Outdated/Missing MySQL Extension for WordPress

If, when accessing WordPress, you see an error message similar to the following:   Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.   Or in site health, you see the following:   utf8mb4 requires a new...

Softaculous Backups - Why are they disabled?

At Brixly, we strive to provide our clients the best web hosting experience, including using reliable and efficient backup solutions. While Softaculous is a popular software auto-installer that offers a native backup functionality, we have decided...

How do I load Laravel from the /public directory using .htaccess?

In this article, you will learn how to make your Laravel public folder open directly when you type your domain. If you have installed Laravel on your primary domain for the account in your public_html folder (root directory for the primary domain)...

How much bandwidth is included with my hosting account?

Here at Brixly, we do not limit bandwidth for any websites on our shared or reseller platforms! We monitor bandwidth usage to prevent abuse; however, we do not suspend or de-activate accounts based on high bandwidth usage.  We do, however, limit a...

How much email storage space is permitted on the shared or reseller plans?

We don't impose any 'hard limits' on the storage of mailboxes; however, we do have 'fair usage policies' in place to prevent abuse. As such, you must review the terms outlined in our fair usage policies.  We use ultra-fast NVMe storage on our serv...

WordPress Manager - Script 26 Not Found

A client has reported that the following errors show when trying to install a WordPress installation via the WordPress Manager in our client area... Script '26' Not Found To resolve the issue, you can switch the cPanel account you are trying this ...

How do I enable Cloudflare for my websites?

Step 1: Sign up for a Cloudflare Account Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the Cloudflare website (https://www.cloudflare.com). Click on the "Sign Up" button to create a new account. Follow the registration process, providing the req...

How to Clone a WordPress website between cPanel accounts using WP Toolkit

Before we can clone a WordPress site we need to make sure that the site we want to clone exists in the WP Toolkit and that the destination exists. Add site to WP Toolkit Navigate to the cPanel account of the site you want to clone and head to WP T...

How do I update the SOA record of the DNS zones under my reseller account?

The SOA record (or the 'start of authority' record) stores information about a domain names administrative contact. The SOA record also contains some additional information, such as the duration of time that the server should wait before domain re...

Malware Scanner - How to scan your sites for malware

We have recently introduced the ability for you to initiate manual malware scans for any of your client's accounts directly from within cPanel.  This functionality is provided completely free of charge as part of your reseller service.  The malwar...

How to generate a full cPanel backup of your account

This guide will walk you through the process of generating a comprehensive backup of your website using cPanel on Brixly. Note: We take automated backups of all accounts either daily, or hourly (depending on the selected plan). These backups can b...

How to Create Email Accounts in cPanel

Creating an email account through cPanel is a straightforward process. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a new email account.   Step 1: Log in to cPanel First, you'll need to log in to your cPanel account. This is typically done...

Enable Object Caching with Redis using LSCache

Please note, that Redis is only available on our cPanel plans The first thing to do is to navigate to Redis in cPanel: Once within the Redis tool, enable it for your account: Once enabled, copy the Redis socket path displayed in your cPanel accoun...

How do I use a 'Skeleton Directory' to set the default contents of newly added domains in cPanel?

By default, all the newly created accounts open with a 403 error. Which indicated there is no file or directory available on that account. If you want to add custom pages for all the newly created accounts, you can use the skeleton directory featu...

WordPress Multisite Subdomains

When using WordPress Multisites with Subdomains, you need to ensure the subdomain is added to cPanel/DirectAdmin to be used. cPanel You can do this on cPanel via: cPanel -> Domains -> Create a new domain  Here you will enter the name for the subdo...

Dedicated IP Address - How to purchase and manage your dedicated IP's

Limitations and Important Considerations Please note that Dedicated IP addresses are exclusively available to clients hosted on our UK infrastructure.  Dedicated IP addresses are only available to cPanel hosting services (Shared, Premium or Resell...

How do I reset the DNS zone to the 'default' for a domain?

Sometimes, the DNS records can be set incorrectly (sometimes through migration from another host, and sometimes just human error!). It is possible to entirely reset the DNS zone so that the domain has all records set back to the 'default' records ...

How to Migrate a WordPress Website using Installatron

Installatron is able to import local (same server and hosting package) or remote (different server or hosting package) application installations. For the purposes of this article, we will walk through importing both a local and remote WordPress si...

Website Preview - How do I preview my websites before updating the DNS?

Our 'Website Preview' option is currently only available for cPanel We've partnered up with the team at SkipDNS.link to bring you completely free access to their amazing tool used to preview your site hosted with us. Essentially, this allows you t...

How do I install a wildcard SSL Certificate via LetsEncrypt?

Our automatic SSL installation process (powered by AutoSSL) will automatically install Sectigo SSL certificates. Sectigo SSL certificates offer optimal coverage, completely automatically and free of charge. In addition, they also do not 'rate limi...

JetBackup - How to create 'Snapshot Backups'

Backups are taken of all accounts on our shared and reseller services daily. However, we do understand there are certain scenarios where you may wish to take a backup prior to making significant changes. In those cases, we would always recommend u...

What are 'mixed content' errors and how do I resolve them?

What are 'Mixed Content' Errors? 'Mixed Content' errors occur when a secure HTTPS webpage is trying to load resources, such as images, videos, stylesheets or scripts, over an insecure HTTP connection. This can pose a security risk as the insecure ...

How to change your PHP Version and PHP Settings

At Brixly, we strive to provide you with the flexibility and control you need to optimize your website's performance. One way we do this is by allowing you to change your PHP version and settings directly from your cPanel account. This guide will ...

Understanding and Resolving the 503 Error: Resource Limit Reached

A 503 error is a server-side response code that indicates the server is temporarily unable to handle the request. This can occur for a variety of reasons, but in the context of a web hosting environment, it often suggests that the account is hitti...

PHP 500 Errors and How to Resolve Them

PHP 500 errors, also known as "Internal Server Errors," can be a common occurrence when working with web applications. These errors are typically not server-related issues but are usually caused by issues within the code of the application. This g...

How to create a WordPress Staging Site with Softaculous

Staging environments are crucial for website development and maintenance. They provide a safe space where you can test changes and updates without affecting your live website. This guide will walk you through how to create and manage a WordPress s...

Migrating a WordPress Site from Another Host Using Softaculous Remote Import

Migrating a WordPress site from a remote server to your Brixly hosting account can be a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with the process. However, with Softaculous, a powerful tool available in your cPanel, this process can be sim...

How to Configure WordPress to use SMTP for Sending Emails

Sending emails from WordPress is a crucial function that powers everything from admin notifications to password resets. By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function to send emails. However, this method is not always reliable and can result in ...

Enabling MySQL Remote Connections in cPanel: A Step-by-Step Guide

For security reasons, cPanel servers disable remote MySQL connections by default. However, there may be instances where you need to enable this feature. This guide will walk you through the process of enabling remote MySQL connections using the We...

How to Create Custom Error Pages in cPanel

Error pages play a crucial role in informing visitors about issues when they try to access your site. Each problem has its own status code. For instance, a 404 error appears when a visitor enters a non-existent URL, and a 401 error shows up for an...

Installing a Free SSL Certificate via cPanel

Installing an SSL certificate in cPanel is easy! Best of all, it's free with Brixly! Important: Installing a certificate does will not force your browsers to visit the site via https:// – to do this, you would need to see our ‘How to force your si...

Monitoring Disk Usage with cPanel

Keeping track of your disk usage is crucial for maintaining your website's performance and ensuring you don't exceed your hosting plan's storage limit. This guide will show you how to check disk usage using cPanel. Understanding Disk Usage The Dis...

Managing Cron Jobs in cPanel

Overview Cron jobs are automated tasks scheduled to run at predefined times or intervals. They are typically executed by the system using a script file, and they can perform a series of simple tasks. It's important to exercise caution when schedul...

Forcing HTTPS:// Redirection for Your Website

There are several methods to force HTTPS:// on your website, depending on your setup and preferences. Here are three commonly used approaches: Using a WordPress Plugin (Really Simple SSL): In your WordPress Dashboard, go to the Plugins section. Cl...

Diagnosing a slow website using PHP X-Ray to find bottlenecks

When a website or application feels like its 'slow performing', the common assumption is that its a 'server issue', whereas in many cases the bottleneck in terms of performance can be within the application / script itself.  When a website does sl...

How do I convert a cPanel account to an Addon Domain?

If you’re a reseller customer and would like to convert a full-fledged cPanel account to an addon domain, please follow these steps: Important: There are no native tools that allow us to convert a full cPanel account to an Addon Domain. The work i...

I have received an email about LVE / Resource Usage

CloudLinux improves the stability of a server by limiting each client in an isolated, secure environment called a Lightweight Virtual Environment (LVE), a kernel technology developed by CloudLinux. In shared hosting, the most common reason for dow...

JetBackup - How to restore your account files or databases

JetBackup5 is our powerful backup and restore tool. It allows us to take daily incremental backups of all sites stored on our servers and provides a simple and intuitive interface to restore your account data.  Let's fire up the JetBackup 5 module...

Publishing DMARC Records on Your cPanel Domain

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) is an email authentication protocol that uses SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) to detect and prevent email spoofing. This guide will walk yo...

Getting Started with cPanel: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction Welcome to the comprehensive guide on getting started with cPanel. This guide is designed to ensure a smooth experience for you while accessing and using cPanel. Whether you are a reseller or an individual user, this guide will help y...

Reseller Hosting - Getting Started with WHM: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction WebHost Manager (WHM) is a powerful web-based control panel that allows you to manage and oversee multiple cPanel accounts from a single interface. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of WHM, including how t...

Setting 'date.timezone' Value through PHP Selector in cPanel

Having issues with applying the 'date.timezone' value through the PHP Selector in cPanel? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Follow the steps below to resolve this issue: Step 1: Viewing the Current 'date.timezone' Value First, you need to check ...

Redis Limits - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RedisException: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'

If you're a web hosting customer experiencing a PHP Fatal error message that reads, "Uncaught RedisException: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'", you're not alone. This error can be a bit confusing, especially when you're not ...

How to create and manage Teams on cPanel

Introduction The 'Manage Team' feature in cPanel allows account owners to create and manage team users, providing them with the ability to assist in managing domains, email accounts, and databases. This feature is especially useful for businesses ...

Understanding the Disabled 'Reset Password' Functionality in cPanel Webmail

Introduction:  At Brixly, we prioritize the security and integrity of our clients' accounts and data. We understand the importance of convenient features such as resetting passwords via a secondary email address in Webmail. However, due to securit...

What is the cPanel 'Live Transfer' facility?

We wanted to share and explain the advantages of our cPanel 'Live Transfer' process, a seamless method we use for migrating accounts between cPanel servers internally. This process is designed to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth transition fo...

Why can I not migrate cPanel accounts between reseller plans using the Migration Center?

When utilizing our Migration Center for transferring websites, the process involves creating and restoring backups from the original server to the target server. This method is highly efficient for moving sites between different hosting providers....

What is the difference between the MultiPHP and Select PHP Version?

Selecting the correct PHP version is crucial for performance and compatibility when managing a website. On Brixly's shared and reseller cPanel hosting plans, two primary tools are available for managing PHP versions: MultiPHP and Select PHP Ver...

"The WebSocket handshake failed" when using the cPanel Terminal

When utilizing the Terminal feature within cPanel, you may encounter an error message that reads "Error: The WebSocket handshake failed." This issue often arises if you're accessing cPanel through a proxy sub-domain, such as https://cpanel.yourdom...

Understanding CloudLinux and LVE Limits: Enhancing Server Stability and Performance

In shared hosting environments, it's crucial to maintain server stability and performance. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the use of CloudLinux and Lightweight Virtual Environment (LVE) limits. This guide will provide an...

Entry Processes / EP – what is an entry process?

An entry process, directly translated means a 'process which enters LVE', or, a process which enters / runs inside your LVE container / account.  Entry processes, as a combined term, equates to the processes which run within the LVE / user account...

Diagnosing a slow website using PHP X-Ray to find bottlenecks

When a website or application feels like its 'slow performing', the common assumption is that its a 'server issue', whereas in many cases the bottleneck in terms of performance can be within the application / script itself.  When a website does sl...

I have received an email about LVE / Resource Usage

CloudLinux improves the stability of a server by limiting each client in an isolated, secure environment called a Lightweight Virtual Environment (LVE), a kernel technology developed by CloudLinux. In shared hosting, the most common reason for dow...

Understanding PHP Memory Limits in Shared Hosting Environments

Introduction: In shared hosting environments, such as those provided by Brixly, the 'Select PHP Version' screen often displays a default PHP memory_limit value that is lower than the maximum available. This article explains the rationale behind se...

WordPress Manager - Script 26 Not Found

A client has reported that the following errors show when trying to install a WordPress installation via the WordPress Manager in our client area... Script '26' Not Found To resolve the issue, you can switch the cPanel account you are trying this ...

How do I enable Cloudflare for my websites?

Step 1: Sign up for a Cloudflare Account Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the Cloudflare website (https://www.cloudflare.com). Click on the "Sign Up" button to create a new account. Follow the registration process, providing the req...

How to Clone a WordPress website between cPanel accounts using WP Toolkit

Before we can clone a WordPress site we need to make sure that the site we want to clone exists in the WP Toolkit and that the destination exists. Add site to WP Toolkit Navigate to the cPanel account of the site you want to clone and head to WP T...

How to Optimize Your WordPress Database

As your WordPress site grows, your database also expands. This growth includes previous versions of posts and pages, user accounts, and other 'transient' data. Over time, this extra data can slow down your site. Regularly cleaning your database ca...

How to use SVGs in WordPress

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based vector image format that offers several benefits over traditional graphics formats like JPG or PNG. SVGs are scalable, meaning they can be resized without loss in quality or pixelation. Additionally, ...

WordPress - My site is showing a maintenance page. How do I disable it?

As part of its automatic update system, WordPress has a built-in maintenance mode that it activates whenever you update your software, themes, or plugins from the WordPress dashboard. You can see a message addressing this in the WordPress update i...

Enable Object Caching with Redis using LSCache

Please note, that Redis is only available on our cPanel plans The first thing to do is to navigate to Redis in cPanel: Once within the Redis tool, enable it for your account: Once enabled, copy the Redis socket path displayed in your cPanel accoun...

How do I install and enable Litespeed Cache?

LSCWP essentially has two purposes: a full-page cache for your site’s dynamically-generated pages and a site-optimization plugin. Most people who install LSCache do so for the caching functions, and the rest is just the icing on the cake. Please ...

How to view enable and view errors on a WordPress installation (WP_DEBUG)

When adding custom code such as PHP or JavaScript, there are times when you may need to find any possible errors in your code. When enabled, WordPress debug will log any errors detected on your site. This can be key to finding the source of an iss...

What are 'mixed content' errors and how do I resolve them?

What are 'Mixed Content' Errors? 'Mixed Content' errors occur when a secure HTTPS webpage is trying to load resources, such as images, videos, stylesheets or scripts, over an insecure HTTP connection. This can pose a security risk as the insecure ...

PHP 500 Errors and How to Resolve Them

PHP 500 errors, also known as "Internal Server Errors," can be a common occurrence when working with web applications. These errors are typically not server-related issues but are usually caused by issues within the code of the application. This g...

How to create a WordPress Staging Site with Softaculous

Staging environments are crucial for website development and maintenance. They provide a safe space where you can test changes and updates without affecting your live website. This guide will walk you through how to create and manage a WordPress s...

How to Configure WordPress to use SMTP for Sending Emails

Sending emails from WordPress is a crucial function that powers everything from admin notifications to password resets. By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail function to send emails. However, this method is not always reliable and can result in ...

Installing a WordPress Plugin via FTP

While WordPress's built-in plugin installer is convenient, some situations may require you to install a plugin manually via FTP. This could be the case for premium, large, or custom WordPress plugins. This guide will walk you through the process o...

Resolving the "Unable to Create Directory" Error in WordPress

In WordPress, the "Unable to create directory" error is a common issue that can occur when you're trying to upload images, update themes or plugins, or install WordPress. This error is typically caused by incorrect file permissions, an incorrect f...

How to Reset your WordPress Permalinks

Log in to the WordPress Dashboard. In the navigation menu click Settings, then click Permalinks. You will then be on the WordPress Permalinks Settings page. Notice what setting you have selected, options are Plain, Day and name, Month and name, Nu...

Resetting Your WordPress Admin Password: A Comprehensive Guide

At times, you may find yourself locked out of your WordPress admin account. Whether you've forgotten your password or need to change it for security reasons, this guide will walk you through three different methods to reset your WordPress admin pa...

Enhancing WordPress Performance: Disabling WP-Cron for Faster Load Times

WordPress is a powerful platform, but like any software, it requires regular maintenance to perform optimally. One such maintenance task involves cron jobs, which are scheduled tasks that WordPress uses to perform various functions. However, the d...

Forcing HTTPS:// Redirection for Your Website

There are several methods to force HTTPS:// on your website, depending on your setup and preferences. Here are three commonly used approaches: Using a WordPress Plugin (Really Simple SSL): In your WordPress Dashboard, go to the Plugins section. Cl...

How do I use Redis Object Caching on my WordPress site if I don't use LSCache?

Litespeed Cache is strongly recommended as an alternative to other caching plugins and has been benchmarked to offer far superior performance due to its native ability to work with our Litespeed Enterprise web servers. However, if you are using an...

Litespeed Cache - Presets for WordPress

Introducing LSCache Presets for WordPress: the easiest way to optimize your WordPress site using the Litespeed Cache plugin. Litespeed Cache Presets are a pre-tuned set of options, which can be used for optimizing any WordPress site using Litespee...

How do I install and enable Litespeed Cache?

LSCWP essentially has two purposes: a full-page cache for your site’s dynamically-generated pages and a site-optimization plugin. Most people who install LSCache do so for the caching functions, and the rest is just the icing on the cake. Please ...

Litespeed Cache Plugin causing a Slow or Unresponsive WordPress Backend

We have received several reports regarding slow WordPress admin area / dashboard performance, which we have found is caused by the Litespeed Cache plugin. We strongly encourage using the Litespeed Cache plugin and its benefits; however, the issue ...

Litespeed - Prevent LSCache from Auto-Installing

We have automated processes that will enable LSCache in bulk to all WordPress installations on the server to both improve the performance to your site and help with efficiency on the server itself.  LiteSpeed Cache (LSCache) is a built-in, high-pe...

Litespeed - How do I disable LSCache?

LiteSpeed Cache (LSCache) is a built-in, high-performance dynamic content acceleration feature of LiteSpeed server products. LSCache accelerates dynamic content (not just PHP pages), with features very similar to those in Apache mod_cache, using a...

How do I check if Litespeed Cache is working on my site?

The best method to check if LiteSpeed is caching your website would be to use the following:  https://check.lscache.io/ The above page will show you clearly if your site is being cached by LSCache.  Another fairly easy way to determine if your web...

Execute PHP scripts with no timeout when using Litespeed

Some PHP scripts need to run for long periods of time without interruption. Examples include WordPress modules such as BackupBuddy, ImportBuddy, or any other module that relies on a WordPress built-in cron job. Whenever a PHP application rebuilds ...

How do I use Redis Object Caching on my WordPress site if I don't use LSCache?

Litespeed Cache is strongly recommended as an alternative to other caching plugins and has been benchmarked to offer far superior performance due to its native ability to work with our Litespeed Enterprise web servers. However, if you are using an...

Litespeed - Comparing QUIC.cloud and Cloudflare

As part of our ongoing effort to provide you with the latest in web hosting, here we’ll break down the differences and similarities between QUIC.cloud and Cloudflare, two leading solutions integrated with LiteSpeed. Overview LiteSpeed Integration:...

Redis Limits - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RedisException: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'

If you're a web hosting customer experiencing a PHP Fatal error message that reads, "Uncaught RedisException: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'", you're not alone. This error can be a bit confusing, especially when you're not ...

LiteSpeed Cache vs. WP Rocket: A Comprehensive Comparison for Our Hosting Environment

Introduction:  When it comes to accelerating your WordPress website, choosing the right caching solution is crucial. Two of the most popular caching plugins are LiteSpeed Cache (LSCache) and WP Rocket. In this article, we'll compare these solution...

PHP Handlers: Why PHP-FPM is Not Enabled on Brixly Accounts

At Brixly, we are committed to providing the best performance and reliability for your web hosting needs. As part of this commitment, we have chosen to use LiteSpeed Enterprise as our web server solution. LiteSpeed is known for its high performanc...